Welcome to Great Outdoors Processing
Our state of the art facility is equipped with top of the line equipment to do the best possible processing in the industry, review our facilities page for a tour. All of our products are vacuum packed which helps to insure longevity in your freezer.
Buisness Hours: Monday thru Friday
Any other times by appointment only
August 15th until January 1st:
- Monday thru Saturday 8:30 am till 2 hours after dark Sunday 9:00 am to noon. Then reopen at dark for 2 hours Closed Thanksgiving, Christmas Eve, & Christmas Day
Please call if you've just located your deer and might not make it here by the 2 hour mark.
Processing Meat Yield
You should expect 30 % meat of the live weight of the deer. Of this amount approx. 1/3 will be available for choice cuts. Choice cuts can only come from the loins & hams. This is the meat used for cubed steak, roasts, stew meat, whole loins butterfly loins. Expect these amounts to decrease based on the shot area of the deer. If a deer is shot in the shoulder we probably won't be able to use that shoulder & maybe not the other if the bullet goes all the way through. Many factors come into play when considering how to process your deer. A larger deer will give you more bang for your dollar.
We recommend big bucks to be used for ordering your specialty products as a 200 lb. buck in rutt will tend to yield tougher choice cuts. Also FYI late season bucks will have lost a lot of muscle weight from going through the rutt. Thus the meat yield will be less. Smaller bucks & Does however are good candidates for choice cuts as the meat will be more tender & less chance of a gamey taste.
Freezer Effects
For fresh sausage please remember that the longer it stays in your freezer the more seasoning flavor you will lose with the exception of salt. A fresh sausage held in a freezer for a year will tend to be more salty. Cooked products tend to hold the flavor longer. We have purposely done this as far as 3 years out & was surprised at the flavor still apparent in cooked products.